By Carla Landi
We recently caught up with Scott Rogers at the 2016 NRA Show in Chicago and learned about the differences between Kolpak’s upgraded and standard hardware packages, as well as different options available to create the best walk-in for your operation.
Kolpak’s hardware packages offer several advantages for foodservice professionals, including chrome handles, door locks, hydraulic door closers, and adjustable hinges for easy adjustment in the field.
One of the big money saving options that Kolpak offers is their Air Shield that can be placed at the doorway of the walk-in and equipped to activate automatically when the door is open. The Kolpak Air Shield keeps the cold air inside the walk-in with minimal exchange of hot air from the kitchen.
Do you see the light yet? Kolpak walk-ins are also now available with their new energy saving 18” LED lights that provide the same amount of lumens as a 4’ LED. And when it’s time to finish your walk-in, you have many choices. Finish choices include 26 gauge Galvalume®, pre-painted, embossed aluminum, stainless, and white.
Kolpak consistently provides walk-ins with advantages and options designed to keep up with foodservice professionals in the most demanding environments.
Watch the video for more information.

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